On a wet and windy day in February, with storm Doris blowing in to greet us, a number of outdoor providers braved the elements to join the event at the Hollowford centre. The day included a number of different speakers throughout the day. We had planned a tour of the site but due to the weather this had to be cancelled. A hearty lunch followed nevertheless and all guests enjoyed the opportunity to network and chat with fellow providers and industry colleagues.
Our guest speakers for the day provided a mixed and varied programme.
Andy Robinson, from Lindley Educational Trust and IOL, gave us an overview of the work at Hollowford Centre and Lindley Educational Trust. Andy was also able to provide updates on key industry topics such as the AALA licensing review, and some key IOL points.
A popular choice of speaker, as always, was Sophia Reed of BLM who provided a legal update on a AIM case and Court of Appeal decision.
Rehna Yaseen, also from Lindley, gave us an insight into an innovative outdoor learning youth project which was inspiring and thought provoking. Rehna’s experiences of bringing youth work and outdoor learning to young people including Scottish winter mountaineering on Cairngorm certainly gave members food for thought. The project looks to cross cultural, employment and gender barriers through winter mountaineering and other projects.
Kelvyn James, from the ABC, shared stats from the ABC’s accident reporting database, which is a key initiative in understanding the causes and prevention of accidents at artificial climbing structures. Members were interested to hear the implications and detailed analysis provided.
Shaun Fyson, AIM’s Mutual Manager, and James Willis, industry specialist, gave an update on AIM’s growth and development plus industry insights and claims trends.
Members of AIM can request copies of all presentations by emailing [email protected] on request.