
To report a claim or wish to discuss your claim, please call us on 01892 888423 and select the option.
Alternatively, please fill out the form.

Online Claims Notification

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Notify Us Of An Incident

If you need to inform us of an incident or advise us of any concerns you have, please submit some initial information and we will get back to you as soon as possible.  Our experienced claims handlers will assist you with your claim and any queries.

If this is a property claim please download our claim form below and email to [email protected]

Please note to complete this form you will need to open the form using Adobe Acrobat Reader App to save to your computer before completing

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© Copyright - Activities Industry Mutual 2020
Activities Industry Mutual Limited is a company registered in England and Wales, No.5372198, Registered Office: 90 Fenchurch St, London EC3M 4ST and is managed by Thomas Miller Discretionary Mutual Management, a trading style of Building Lifeplans Limited. Activities Industry Mutual Limited (FRN: 451585) is an appointed representative of Building Lifeplans Limited, a company authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN: 311894) and registered in England, No. 3871048, Registered Office: 90 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4ST. - Enfold WordPress Theme by Kriesi