
Sustainable Outdoor Travel Destinations in Europe

There is something exciting about planning a holiday but keeping everyone happy can be a juggling act.  The active 9 year old who loves adrenaline and adventure should be easy to please!  It struck me that there is one question we should all be asking ourselves and that is how sustainable our travel choices and holidays are. Queue lots of head scratching and getting lost down some internet black holes looking for the answers.

I can’t say I found the solution, but I did find this article from Suston which gives us the lowdown on sustainable outdoor travel destinations in Europe.  There seemed to be some fabulous suggestions for us to consider, but how sustainable is it really if I have to travel there from the UK.?

I thought about all the Members who provide outdoor activities in many locations in the UK and abroad and wondered if your business model has changed and if you now branch out into Europe with your offering?

Is the quest to be sustainable a key part to your business planning?

Are we all doing our bit by visiting these destinations or should we all be staying much closer to home?

If you are offering activities in Europe or beyond please remember to let us know so we can update your cover requirements.  Your business must be registered and recognised as UK domiciled business.

Please email our underwriting team [email protected] if you have any questions

Article by Karen Hensing in Suston (Sustainable Outdoor News)



Please email [email protected] with your suggestions I can’t wait to hear them.

Craggan Outdoors – Member Profile

Ardentinny Outdoor Centre – Member Profile