Mountbatten Watersports & Activities Centre – Member Profile
Established in 1999 on the site of a former RAF base in Plymouth, the Mount Batten Watersports and Activities Centre is one of the foremost Outdoor Education centres in the South West.
Established in 1999 on the site of a former RAF base in Plymouth, the Mount Batten Watersports and Activities Centre is one of the foremost Outdoor Education centres in the South West.
The team at Pharos Response is delivering some additional free hour-long training sessions open to AIM Members. Please find below training topics and links for you to register.
Any problems or questions with registration, please contact the Pharos team at [email protected].
The team at Pharos Response is delivering some additional free hour-long training sessions open to AIM Members. Please find below training topics and links for you to register this side of Christmas, including a repeat of the recent media training for those of you who missed it.
Please limit registration to three people per organisation to allow space for more organisations.
Keeping people safe onsite: your non-activity H&S duties and how to be compliant
Monday 25th September 1600-1700
For all adventure activity organisations.
Register now:
How to meet a school’s needs of a trip provider and more easily gain trip approval
Monday 16th October 1600-1700
For all adventure and travel organisations serving schools.
Register now:
Critical incident plan: how to structure yours
Monday 20th November 1600-1700
For all adventure and travel organisations.
Register now:
(Repeat session) Managing the media during a crisis: how to help protect your hard-won reputation.
Monday 11th December 1600-1700
For all adventure and travel organisations.
Register now:
As a reminder for those of you who are not aware of Pharos Response, they are risk & reputation management specialists and provide AIM Members with significant discounts on their 24/7 incident response service. For details or to subscribe to this service, click here
Any problems or questions with registration, please contact the Pharos team at [email protected].
We started thinking about what makes us different to a traditional insurance provider and why should activity providers consider us over any other, lets face it there’s plenty of options out there.
Here’s just a few benefits of being part of the Mutual.
What are you waiting for? call us or complete the proposal form here and one of our small but dedicated team will get back to you.
We know you won’t regret it that’s why so many of our Members renew with us year after year!
When the Mutual first began, the profile of Members looked very differently, to how it looks today. We have seen a range of different activity providers emerge over the time we have been providing vital Public Liability cover to Members, Like any business we have embraced the diversity whilst always keeping at its heart to protect the Members who choose to take cover with us.
One area where we have seen an increase is the area of ‘running events’, (pardon the pun!) by this we mean organisers of trail runs and challenge events where the outdoors provides the exciting and often challenging backdrop to some incredible running events such as the Dragons Back Race. One such Member is Ourea Events who joined the Mutual in 2020 and were kind enough to share their story with us in our Newsletter from January 2023.
Thanks to Tom Hecht, Business Operations Director at Ourea for this interview.
If you have a business that operates in this sector do contact us for a quotation for your business kit and equipment, Public & Employers Liability cover. We look forward to hearing from you.
Our Member profiles focus on individual Members and what they offer. We cover a wide variety of activity providers from various sectors and as our Membership continues to grow this gives us an opportunity to learn from each other, and share ideas especially in a landscape where diversifying the offering is vital to ensure survival. We caught up with Paul Webb from H5 Adventure who told us what’s happening in their world.
H5 Adventure deliver outdoor activities to the Education Sector, Groups & Corporates. All across the south of England & Wales, from Dartmoor, to The Brecon Beacons, the M4 Corridor The peak District and as far East to London and it’s surrounding area. We offer Team building Days, Multi Activity Residentials and The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Expeditions and have over 30 years of experience in the sector, drawn from the Charity, Local Educational Authority and Commercial Sectors
We have been an AIM Member since 2013 and fully appreciate the support they have offered throughout the years. AIM offer support and guidance with a variety of aspects of our business. We enjoy attending their annual conference and learning from guest speakers on these events too.
One of the best parts of our job is successfully delivering outdoor activities to all of our clients. Seeing how young people develop when working with us on courses. Especially when delivering The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and how teams of young people develop over an expedition.
We feel you always have to be willing to adapt in business and that was notable with The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Expeditions adapting the expeditions, we also adapt our programs so we could deliver Residential in School grounds. We feel with the lack of growth and downturn in the economy there is likely to be less customers in the near future, so diversifying or increasing your client base is likely to be a challenge
From 2022 we have created 2 new Full-time roles within our office team who are Client Managers and oversea a variety of admin roles within the business too. We are really excited to see how these positions grow over the coming years and how it will help us deliver a better-quality product to all of our clients. We will also be developing our venue, The Lake, a 33-acre site set in rural countryside, around a stunningly landscaped lake, yet just 10 minutes out of suburbia and the M4.
It’s simply, one that the client is enjoying themselves. That could be a 7-year-old, for the first time using a flint & steal, or one of SEN School groups trekking in the countryside, excited about seeing sheep, for the first time.
Thanks to Paul Webb from H5 Adventure for sharing his thoughts and support for the Mutual.
AIM was established in 2005 in response to growing demand within the sector for a cost-effective alternative to traditional insurance cover.MORE ABOUT US
90 Fenchurch Street,
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The AIM team wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
The offices will be closed from 5pm on 22nd December 2023 over the holiday period.
There will be limited cover for 27th, 28th, 29th December.
If you have an urgent claims matter please contact IAS Loss Adjustor on 01424 850 333.
If you require a quotation for your business please visit the AIM website and complete the proposal form and one of the team will get back to you after the festivities.
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You can see how this popup was set up in our step-by-step guide:
The AIM offices will be closed from Thursday 2nd June and re-opening on Monday 6th June.
If you have a claims matter then please call 01892 888 423 and leave a message or email [email protected]
For all other matters please call 01892 888 423 and leave a message or email [email protected]
Save the Date!
AIM Member Event & AGM
17th March 2022
All Members Welcome
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You can see how this popup was set up in our step-by-step guide: