Are you Covered?
As activity providers up and down the country prepare for a new season we wanted to remind Members that it is important to ensure all your equipment is covered and for the correct value and quantity.
- This means checking all your equipment and stock inventories annually rather than relying on last years’ figures. Make sure you inform the AIM team of the correct new replacement values as undoubtedly the cost to replace these items will have risen.
- When looking at the figures remember that whilst you may be able to replace individual items with second hand ones, in the event of a total loss, the cost to replace the whole amount with new items is actually a considerably different financial outlay.
- Take a look at the number of kayaks, canoes, harnesses or helmets for example and ensure the number and value is correctly listed.
We have had occasions where cover was significantly underinsured and regrettably, we cannot pick up the shortfall for this. A theft of kayaks for example in the region of £21k, but listed as £3k would result in a shortfall being paid on any claim. Many providers would struggle with a loss of this value.
- As providers look at diversifying or changing what they offer, please let the team know if you are planning new or different activities to those which you specified when you first came on cover with this.
- Consider the Business Interruption and Employers Liability elements of your cover. How long would it take for you to begin trading again after a significant claim such as a fire or flood? Check if your BI Cover extends to the right amount of time. We can discuss this with you should you require it.
- If you employ staff or use volunteers it is a legal requirement to have Employers’ liability for them.
The AIM team are always on hand to talk to you about your figures so if you are not sure please call or drop as an email [email protected]