AIM Message from our Chairman – AIM has new Management Company
Dear Member
You may recall that I wrote to you all in July to advise that AIM would be moving from Regis Mutual Management Ltd to a new home with Thomas Miller. I am delighted to confirm that this move has now taken place, and I wanted to reassure you all that as far as Members are concerned, you should not notice any difference at all in the service you receive from the AIM Team, nor any changes to the way your renewals are handled.
All covers and the great level of service the AIM team provides will remain the same and we are still firmly backed by QBE as the Mutual’s Supporting Insurer.
The core team remain the same, headed up by Sophia and assisted by Ralph; Cathy continues in Marketing, with Liz, Brad, Amy and Mark handling your renewals and cover enquiries. Ben remains in Claims and can be contacted should that need arise.
Email addresses for the team have changed to “first name.last [email protected]” but the team will be contacting you as usual when it comes to time to renew your covers. This is an exciting new chapter for the Mutual and the team. Rest assured that AIM remains strong and firmly committed to its Members.
You can still email [email protected] if you have any general queries.
Thank you
Bob Edwards
Chairman of AIM